We already discussed how I’m into making as much as possible by hand. Yes, that extends to bread. Yes, this weekend I wanted hamburgers. And finally, yes, I did try making what Joshua Weissman calls the best burger buns ever.
Joshua Weissman makes entertaining food videos on YouTube. He also has a cookbook called The Slim Palette Paleo Cookbook. I haven’t read his cookbook. However, I became more interested in him via his Instagram account. It is very easy to find food porn on Instagram and that’s exactly what category many of his posts fall into. I love that he also does homemade versions of fast foods (but obviously better) and my heart dances when he says “Cwispy.”
But that’s besides the point. One day I came across the IG video below of him gently dressing buns in butter and I just knew I needed to make my own.
He says the buns are a cross between a brioche and shokupan (Japanese milk bread), and that’s what made me interested. I don’t think I’ve had a chance to mention it here, but I love shokupan. However, not just any shokupan will do because not all shokupan’s are created equal. My human’s mother buys amazing shokupan from a bakery and I will have to ask the name and share. It is HEAVENLY.
Anyway, I was lured in by shokupan.
Following his YouTube recipe HERE, I set about making my own.
(Sorry, for some reason wordpress isn’t letting me embed the YouTube video, but clicking the link will take you there.)

Another exciting part of this process was using my KitchenAid for the first time in about five year. I really want to go back in time to when I was 23 and ask myself why I chose this color.
The Results

I followed his instructions almost exactly. I did have whole milk, so I used dried low-fat milk instead and added a little powdered butter. The process was really simple, especially with a stand mixer to do the kneading.

I will say that next time, I will make the buns half the size. I think these ended up a little big for our tastes.

Of course, the longest part is the rising and proofing of the bread. Once they get in the oven, they’re done in less than 20 minutes.

Aren’t they beautiful!?
They tasted really good, too. I will be making these buns again. I loved how easy they were to make and they came out perfect on the first try. What more could a person ask for?
Next up is a Parmesan and Black Pepper Loaf from my bread baking cookbook.
What are you guys baking this week?
Until next time,
Don’t forget to follow me HERE on Instagram or HERE on Twitter to stay up to date with my adventures.